There are, of course, many ways of featuring water in a garden so it is crucial to establish at the outset the type of feature that you want. Essentially there are three general types:1. Feature with moving water (fountain, cascade, and stream)2. Still pond for fish and wildlife (and plants)3- Self-contained water 'container' (barrel, wall, fountain, raised pond) waterfall headerWhichever feature you choose, consider very carefully how best it can be designed into the context of your garden so that it feels and looks right. In this way you will ensure that the feature - and therefore the whole garden -is pleasing aesthetically.Firstly, decide on the mood or style of your feature, and how it will look as part of the overall garden: it could, for instance, be informal, with curving sides and associated planting to make a natural setting. Or, it could be very formal, comprising a water feature with lots of straight edges and very little planting.If you are planning a feature that is more complex than a simple hole in the ground filled with water, then it would be wise to produce [more..]
A garden with a small pond or any other water feature can add real natural beauty to your property. However, a pond without any design can be boring so you need to be very careful here. Proper designing and layout can make your pond special. The beautiful water gardens are sculptured creations which are designed by making use of landscaping and other techniques. A water feature can make your garden extremely beautiful and attractive, that's obvious. Let us see how you can make your garden beautiful by adding a water feature to it. First choose a water feature that would be suitable for your garden. You can go for a small water fountain which can easily be accommodated in your patio or a small pond. You can also create your own water feature using your creativity. You can go for a rather small such as those standing in a vessel or a large one, like a real pond dug in the ground. A small fountain is the best choice for people staying in apartments or rented houses as they can carry their fountain with them wherever they [more..]
Once you have decided to add a water feature to your garden, try to resist the temptation to rush out immediately and build it: unless you plan carefully, you could create all sorts of problems for the future. A good feature takes time to install, as well as a considerable amount of money and, once in situ, it cannot be moved easily. So don't risk spoiling your enjoyment of the garden and the feature itself -make sure you first consider every option fully.When incorporating water into your garden for the first time, you can treat the garden as a blank canvas and choose where the feature will go, as well as its style and size. But remember, there arc-four limiting factors:?    The type of garden you have: a magnificently opulent fountain would be completely out of place in an informal garden.?    Your garden's proportions: these should determine the size of the feature.?    The size of your budget: this speaks for itself.?    The level of your enthusiasm: how thoroughly you plan and execute your ideas can make all the difference to the success of your plan.WHAT [more..]
If you want to have garden with fresh and natural look, there are a lot of ideas to do. You can add more plants or flowers and grow the grass. You can also build beautiful garden pond with water plants and colorful fish inside. However, some people who have garden with small space might face any difficulty in building garden pond. If you face this problem, building water feature in your garden will be great solution.In building this improvement, you do not always require large space. What you need to do is just make it match with the bare space of your garden. Even if you really do not have bare space left, you can still build it in water wall type. There are a lot of types that you can build in your garden. To know the best water feature for your garden, let us discuss more about some types of this improvement.The first type is waterfall. Usually, waterfall is also completed with the accent of rocks, so this style is also known as rock formations. You can simply add some rocks in many [more..]
Stainless steel water features add a contemporary touch and produce a calming and relaxing atmosphere in any environment. The latest developments in stainless steel water feature designs are not only striking examples of contemporary design but also cost effective and requiring minimum maintenance. Design features that include polished flat panels and sometimes a striking combination of brushed and polished surfaces, stainless reservoir tanks complete with stainless steel grid represent a complete integrated look that is unmatched. The integrated look is also an ideal free standing unit which requires no excavation or digging, so it is perfect as a late addition/retro-fit to an existing landscaped or paved area. So you can add your water feature without any need for digging and risk potential damage to your existing scheme. The tank is an integral part of the water feature and is perfectly at home on the surface, you may of course use some planters to add more visual interest. Better still try adding some architectural specimens such as Trachycarpus, Chamerops, even Bamboo. The complete stainless steel finish makes such products ideally suitable for use indoors and/or outdoors in a wide [more..]
A water feature can add a spectacular aspect to the atmosphere of your backyard. Ponds, fountains and waterfalls are all examples of water elements that can create a harmonious feeling to your personal outdoor space. They can also be a fun home improvement project for the entire family. The local home improvement store or garden center is a sensible place to begin your project. You may be able to get a kit or purchase the supplies to create one from scratch. Be sure to locate your water feature in an area where there is an accessible water source. Stagnant water can be a breeding ground for health hazards like mosquitoes and germs. If you don't already have your landscaping in position, be sure to install the pipe work for the project before you put in grass or gravel. There are two different ways to go about creating a pond, depending on the purpose you have in mind for it. If you want to keep fish in your pond, you'll need to dig a hole at least six feet deep and as wide as you can. Remember that [more..]
Man has an intrinsic need for fresh water and has been collecting and storing rain water since the dawn of civilization. As technology advanced and plumbing became standardized the storing of water by individual households began to decline, to the point now, where the average citizen expects all of their fresh water needs to be supplied through a municipal system of pipes. This modern convenience has created a universal situation where the thoughtless waste of the most precious of life sustaining resources, fresh water, is quite common. Water born contaminates and diseases have a long history of creating havoc and distress, thus all public water supplies are required to maintain a certain level of toxic chemicals that are necessary to destroy these contaminates. Having an unending supply of fresh water at your fingertips is a blessing indeed, but the necessary chemicals have a negative impact on the beautiful plant life in your garden. Rain water is naturally soft, has no toxic chemical sanitizers and therefore plants thrive when watered with this precious bounty from nature. Rain water is also quite abundant, well over 40,000 gallons per year will run off of the average home in north Texas, the only thing [more..]
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