Divorce is so much negative impact for many people who immediately become cast in it, the child will obviously affect mental state, is on the wife surely this will be a tough decision. Especially if the custody of the mother fell on it will be more burdensome economically single mom, with the burden on the mother bear could have experienced the shock in her soul. grants for single mothers will help the mother free from economic problems that had been aggravating the mother, with adequate assistance and very adequate for everyday life with his son. Mother will get all the help that will make him smile so again.

With the assistance that has been given to the mother is single it is expected the mother and her child will be able to live his life as the norm. In addition, here too the mother will be provided in the form of ultrasound tech training that will be very useful for single mothers to seek work because it has been given a very adequate stock of skills. In addition, in the hope that eventually the mother can work properly. In addition, with good work skills later on the single mother will get a sizable wage to provide for herself and her child.